Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Political Puppets and Bobby Valentino

I was pleasantly surprized today to see a puppet theatre being set up on the grass on Kollwitz Platz. Free, spontaneous entertainment couldn't be a bad thing, right? Wrong. Several children from the playgrounds made their way over and took a seat. My friend and I sort of half listened from afar while our children sat there attentively. All we could hear was that dry, fest-tent, microphone German coming through the speakers. It sounded in no way interesting, puppet show-ish, or entertaining. The guy may as well have been selling food processors for €5.99. In fact, for a moment there, when I looked up and saw something in his hand, I thought he actually was. My friend and I were joking that this was some kind of political speech. That is how dry the dude sounded. Well, next thing we knew, we looked over and the kids were holding freakin' SPD BALLOONS!!!!! Holy shit. Of course I perked up and went over to actually listen to what he was saying (even though he had a mic, he was very quiet), but then it was over. The giddy children were running back to their mamas and papas with SPD balloons and chocolate bars. Well, at least they weren't CDU...but still.

And speaking of, Angela has a big poster on Kollwitz platz. They didn't bother to do the moustasche on this one like over on Griefswalderstr., they just ripped it all to shreds. Lordy. I gotta get my digital camera organized so you can see what I mean here.

Onto other things. Now here is a song that has our whole family flippin' out and singing really crazy in the living room: Slow Down, by Bobby Valentino. Slow jams don't get any worse. The chorus just has us laughing our dang faces off!

Slow down, I just wanna get to know you
But don't turn around
Cause that pretty round thing looks good to me
Slow down, Never seen anything so lovely
Now turn around
And bless me with your beauty, Cutie

Okay, now let me just get this straight. The guy is walking down the street (Melrose), and he sees this girl who looks like "an angel" that is "straight out of heaven." But he only sees her from behind, and of course it is the behind itself that is so heavenly. He doesn't want her to turn around, because he has to behold the beauty of that "pretty round thing." Then, after proclaiming that he has "never seen anything so lovely," he commands her to "now turn around" so that she can "bless (him) with (her) beauty, cutie." Needless-to-say, the "cutie" part just about did us in with laughter. What is this world coming to??!!

I'm gonna keep this one short tonight. The lines on the screen are all blurring together, so I think I might be falling asleep. Good night.


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